Why you should NOT hire your nephew to shoot your videos

One day two plumbers were talking over a beer. “Build a rocket?” said one plumber to the other. “It ain’t that hard. Get some fuel, a big tube, light it on fire and…bada bing, bada boom, you’re on the moon.”

I don’t now about you but I don’t want to get on that rocket! It always seems like people think every other job is easy…except for the one they do. And the world of video and film production is no different.

With the advent of affordable tools like iMovie, Adobe Premiere, drones and even iPhones many people think that they should just shoot a video themselves. While there is definitely a time or place for that there are many situations where that is a bad idea (just like the rocket).

Why you SHOULD hire a professional corporate video production company…

While the average person is way more tech savvy today than they were even 10 years ago, there is still a big difference between an amateur and a professional when it comes to producing a video. A video production company brings more to the project than just a “really nice” camera (although that’s important).

It is the years of experience, across hundreds of sets and thousands of unpredictable scenarios where you truly see the value of a video professional.

• A seasoned producer can help wrangle a new location at the last minute if something falls through

• A skilled Director can put a nervous CEO at ease and help them to deliver a more relatable, likeable and believeable performance.

• A good art director can make a mediocre location into an outstanding backdrop

• A talented Director of Photography knows exactly how to place and light a subject to make them look their best

• An experienced makeup artist knows exactly what type of makeup to apply based on skin tone, lighting camera resolution and other factors

Everyone agrees there is a difference between the home movies you shoot and a Hollywood blockbuster. But few people know how to achieve that level of quality, even if they had all of the software, tools, gadgets and gizmos. It is these hard earned years of experience a professional crew brings to the production that makes the difference.

Perhaps the biggest reason to hire a professional video production company is that they will make you look like a genius. Really! When the crew makes your CEO look and feel like a movie star and the finished video showcases your company in a professional and cinematic light you will be the one who gets the credit. Why? Because you made the smart decision to hire a professional production company like The Creative Catapult, instead of your nephew Stu (even though we are sure he is really smart).